社会性の人類学的探究 トランスカルチャー状況と寛容/不寛容の機序

"Performing the Self and Playing with the Otherness: Clothing and Costuming under Transcultural conditions"

Proceedings of the International Symposium
held on October 26th, 2020 Venue: online, zoom
Performing the Self and Playing with the Otherness.pdf

●Co-hosted by:
-Research Center for Society and Culture - National Research and Innovation Agency (PMB-BRIN), Republic of Indonesia (formerly Research Center for Society and Culture - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PMB-LIPI)).
-MEXT Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Construction of the Face-Body studies in transcultural conditions" (Project leader: Prof. Masami Yamaguchi).
-Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, ILCAA.
-Core Project (Anthropology)-The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2, ILCAA.

2020年度開催 国際シンポジウム"Performing the Self and Playing with the Otherness: Clothing and Costuming under Transcultural conditions"プロシーディングス
●科研費新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)「トランスカルチャー状況下における顔身体学の構築―多文化をつなぐ顔と身体表現」(領域代表者:山口真美(中央大学) 領域番号:1901)
●インドネシア科学院(LIPI)※2021年よりBadan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional(BRIN)。